The Jolly Cholly, Our Semi-annual Newsletter
Joe Lambert, EM2 '62-'64, is the editor of the Jolly Cholly. Joe has been publishing the Jolly Cholly since 1995. Every issue is a work of art, with interesting stories, articles, and information to keep us informed. If you have an idea for an article, or a story you'd like to share, please contact Joe at He'd love to hear from you!
The Jolly Cholly - 2013
The Jolly Cholly - 2012
The Jolly Cholly - 2011
The Jolly Cholly - 2010
The Jolly Cholly - 2009
The Jolly Cholly - 2008
The Jolly Cholly - 2007
The Jolly Cholly - 2006
The Jolly Cholly - 2005
The Jolly Cholly - 2004
The Jolly Cholly - 2003
The Jolly Cholly - 2002
The Jolly Cholly - 2001
The Jolly Cholly - 2000
The Jolly Cholly - 1999
The Jolly Cholly - 1995
Note: The newsletters are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
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All issues of The Jolly Cholly are copyrighted and are the property of the USS Charles H. Roan Association. All rights reserved.