Ship’s Store
We are proud to feature a ball cap with the name and silhouette of the USS Charles H. Roan (DD-853).
To purchase a cap, please complete order form and send to:
USS Charles H. Roan (DD-853) Association
Richard F. Souza
6396 Manassas Court
Pensacola, FL 32503-7530
Tel: 850-476-1350
Fax: 850-857-1326
All prices are in U.S. Dollars. Please add $6.00 for postage. Most ship via Priority Mail (U.S. addresses only).
Please make check payable to USS Charles H. Roan Association. Please be sure to note size, color, and style where applicable.

Ball Cap
Navy blue with ship's name and silhouette (Pre-FRAM & FRAM). With adjustable headband (one size fits all).
Please specify item "Ball Cap, Pre-FRAM" or "Ball Cap, FRAM" when ordering.