The Jolly Cholly, Our Semi-annual Newsletter
Joe Lambert, EM2 '62-'64, is the editor of the Jolly Cholly. Joe published the Jolly Cholly from 1995 until 2016. Ron Lucchesi, FTG3 '65-'68 took the reins in 2019. Every issue is a work of art, with interesting stories, articles, and information to keep us informed. If you have an idea for an article, or a story you'd like to share, please contact Ron at He'd love to hear from you! Please contact Ron if you would like to receive the Jolly Cholly or if you have not received the current edition.
The Jolly Cholly - 2017
Our newsletter was not published in 2017
The Jolly Cholly - 2016
The Jolly Cholly - 2015
The Jolly Cholly - 2014
Spring 2014
- Memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962
by Frank Manasseri RM2 62-64- Swim Call Med Cruise 1964 by Bill Peterson FTG2 62-65
- Honoring Two Roan Sailors
Fall 2014
- Down Memory Lane with Joe Carlson SO2 49-53
- Next Reunion in Amarillo, TX in 2016
- Down Memory Lane with Bill Peterson FTG2 62-65
The Jolly Cholly - 2013
The Jolly Cholly - 2012
The Jolly Cholly - 2011
The Jolly Cholly - 2010
The Jolly Cholly - 2009
The Jolly Cholly - 2008
The Jolly Cholly - 2007
The Jolly Cholly - 2006
The Jolly Cholly - 2005
The Jolly Cholly - 2004
The Jolly Cholly - 2003
The Jolly Cholly - 2002
The Jolly Cholly - 2001
The Jolly Cholly - 2000
The Jolly Cholly - 1999
The Jolly Cholly - 1995
Note: The newsletters are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
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All issues of The Jolly Cholly are copyrighted and are the property of the USS Charles H. Roan Association. All rights reserved.